WWAW Winning Time?


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I'm not a big basketball fan and I really don't like Adam McKay's stuff other than The Big Short, but I'm a big fan of John C. Reilly so I'm sort of interested in checking it out. Anyone watch it yet?


The Arm

Fire stalk with me.


Stand Alone Fruit
I'm sure it will be about race (wypeepo bad) instead of just making a compelling drama. These Jews cannot help themselves.
In the first episode they already started the white / black shit related to how Larry Bird and Magic were covered by sports media in college.

Also Donald Sterling appears in a quick scene and they actually mention Donald Sterling was the “second worst Donald of the 80s” because assholes like McKay can’t stop talking about Trump even when he has nothing to do with the situation.


Stand Alone Fruit
I can’t watch anything made by Adam McKay. Too preachy and no subtlety whatsoever.
In the first episode Donald Sterling is seen and he’s referred to as “the second worst Donald” because McKay and his types can’t stop taking about Trump even when he has nothing to do with the situation. The story of the 80s lakers but let’s make sure we shit on a guy who was President from 2016-2020.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
In the first episode Donald Sterling is seen and he’s referred to as “the second worst Donald” because McKay and his types can’t stop taking about Trump even when he has nothing to do with the situation. The story of the 80s lakers but let’s make sure we shit on a guy who was President from 2016-2020.
Thanks for letting me know I don't need to watch it. This just reinforces everything I hate about McKay and how much of a smug douchebag he is.


Stand Alone Fruit
Thanks for letting me know I don't need to watch it. This just reinforces everything I hate about McKay and how much of a smug douchebag he is.
The way the scene was shot Donald Sterling just appears for a couple seconds at a party and is not mentioned again. So it looks like they purposely wrote in a part for Donald Sterling to say one line at a party just so they could take a shot at Donald Trump. Think about that, they went to all that trouble of shoe horning him in, got an actor to play him, and spend at least a couple hours of filming that day, just so they can shove a lame Trump joke in a situation that has nothing to do with him and set decades before he ran for president.


Stand Alone Fruit
Thanks for letting me know I don't need to watch it. This just reinforces everything I hate about McKay and how much of a smug douchebag he is.
Also, one of the reviews I saw for the series said the show has an “Adam McKay problem” related to him pushing his politics and other bullshit into a story he has nothing to do with. People want to see a show about the 80s lakers and don’t want to hear his politics and other things not relevant to the story.


My favorite show of this type was The Bronx is Burning about the '77 Yankees/Son of Sam with John Turturro and Oliver Platt.
