WWAW Wendy's version of Leonard?


Gen Z Boss And A Mini



In the article she says

"His dream was to retire from there some day and he was looking forward to a huge retirement party, we may just give him that party and tell him he has retired because he does not understand being fired!"

Then she says "They have no idea how they hurt my brother!"

Are you sure he's the retarded one?

This nigga knows the concept of retirement but not the concept of being fired?

I think Leonard is a grifter!


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
In the article she says

"His dream was to retire from there some day and he was looking forward to a huge retirement party, we may just give him that party and tell him he has retired because he does not understand being fired!"

Then she says "They have no idea how they hurt my brother!"

Are you sure he's the retarded one?

This nigga knows the concept of retirement but not the concept of being fired?

I think Leonard is a grifter!
Haha hole shit they gonna fire this nigga and tell him he was retiring. That's some cruel shit