WWAW Walmart stock tumbling?



[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-25/walmart-cuts-guidance-for-second-quarter-and-full-year[/URL]

Good time to buy, or is it over for brick-mortar retail?


weird how i asked you “hey do you think this warren thing is weird”

and it turns out you were the weirdo pretending to be a little boy online for laughs
Got laughs...I think this is an attempt to paint me as some pedo the same way Mew was painted as a chink fed. Unlike Mew, Im not going to just take shit like that broski, nipping it in the bud now.

If you were genuine you'd have called out everyone who sexualized Warren. Go thru my warren posts, I PURPOSELY made it non-sexual almost subconsciously anticipating weird projection shit like this.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
Got laughs...I think this is an attempt to paint me as some pedo the same way Mew was painted as a chink fed. Unlike Mew, Im not going to just take shit like that broski, nipping it in the bud now.

im not trying to do anything of the sort

If you were genuine you'd have called out everyone who sexualized Warren. Go thru my warren posts, I PURPOSELY made it non-sexual almost subconsciously anticipating weird projection shit like this.

why would i go thru your warren fan fiction threads if they gave me the creeps?

sorry you cant admit you were wrong, but you trying to paint me as a pedo for noticing your creepy shit is mega cope


lol, did really anybody sexualize Warren? Aside from calling him a faggot because that is what he is.
I mean I did make a thread about him wanting to fuck Ricci, i guess that was messed up? But ppl were talking about him exiting dawn's vagina, etc...whatever man i did it on an impulsive whim.


[URL unfurl="true"]https://new.onaforums.net/threads/warren-ama.19483/[/URL]

@Child. do you have pics like this of warren on your device??
OK I swear my parents also took pics like this of me at his age? Where the f is your mind at? Nico Avocado's stretch out asshole is posted here and this is what you block out?

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
OK I swear my parents also took pics like this of me at his age? Where the f is your mind at? Nico Avocado's stretch out asshole is posted here and this is what you block out?

why does anyone have that picture @Child.

why does anyone have any pic of a child that isn’t their relative?

you are this big conspiracy guy, fuck off for real if you wanna defend this nonsense


their website is so bad, you search for anything and you get mostly third party sellers. you can sort by walmart only but most people aren't going to be able to figure that out. they have good prices for things but it sucks having to walk around the store.