WWAW Trader Joe’s


trader joe's rules. my favorite is their curry sauce, i make chicken, rice, mixed veggies and the yellow curry and it's delicous. I also fawking love their pot stickers! The goya #diiiiiiiiiiiiiping sauce is delicous.



Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I used to go when I lived in Florida. I dont think there is one near me now?

If you find the stuff animal hidden in the store and give it to the cashier i think you get free shit?


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I'm all in with da Trader Joes

I actually buy most of my produce there because it's cheaper than other grocery stores. They also have a ton of awesome stuff in the frozen aisle too and just really good random shit, Those Carolina BBQ chips they have late summer are the best goddamn chips on earth. I wish they would bring back this sauce though. Shit was really good

They eat pretty good.

A lot of decent frozen shit if you don’t feel like cooking and pretty good beer selection. Don’t try to tell me about 2 buck chuck though, you’re a fucking garbage person if you drink that.
It's funny because our wine fridge consists of mostly wines we get from local wineries, but we'll also pick up a bottle of two of whatever new cheap wine they have when we go shopping. Some of them are actually pretty decent, but your right about the 2 buck chucks though. Have tried all of them and they all stink. I can't believe how many people I see picking up cases of those.



They had one of the frozen pizzas where the crust is made out of cauliflower. It tasted like one of those Totino’s party pizzas, which frankly is a compliment. For being gay vegetable shit, it eat pretty good.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
They had one of the frozen pizzas where the crust is made out of cauliflower. It tasted like one of those Totino’s party pizzas, which frankly is a compliment. For being gay vegetable shit, it eat pretty good.
I don't normally buy frozen pizza, but I had one of their veggie ones once and it was pretty good. Way better than something like DiGornio or Screaming Sicillian.


trader ming's is their oriental food brand. it was only like 1000 people who signed a petition, most mexican and orientals dont give a fawk.