WWAW this fat grifter e-begging because he blew all his money on crypto

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt

Didn’t this cunt get the fat man surgery like 2 years ago? How does he still weigh 400 pounds?

He probably hasn’t changed his diet and has a ton of stretched out sagging skin. His channel was alright when it was strictly about video games. The guy let his true faggotry come to the forefront when Trump ran for president. He also pulled a gun on Sam Hyde. Fuck Boogie2988 and his massive fake horse teeth.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Barely watched but "I needed to take a break from YouTube", holy fucking shit. You have the easiest fucking job ever and you needed to take a break from that, you fucking loser? Fucking faggot.

What makes that especially weird is that most of his videos are 0 effort. It’s not like he does skits or has fancy editing or anything. It’s just him talking to camera like this.

Anyway don’t forget to support him and subscribe to his Patreon. Poor guy was only able to buy 50 funko pops this month instead of his usual 100 🥺


He's a retard, but it's not like his funds were completely stolen, the market just crashed. So if he put in $2 million, he now has like $660,000 left, which is way more than any of his retarded fat faggot followers that he's begging for donations from has.

I'm glad he is getting roasted in the comment section. Jesus I hate him.


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Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
He probably hasn’t changed his diet and has a ton of stretched out sagging skin. His channel was alright when it was strictly about video games. The guy let his true faggotry come to the forefront when Trump ran for president. He also pulled a gun on Sam Hyde. Fuck Boogie2988 and his massive fake horse teeth.
He’s like DSP in the sense that they both want to act like they “work hard”. I know barely anything about this faggot. I just know he’s a retarded grifter. There’s some legitimacy to the idea that “YouTube” isn’t as easy as it seems. The people on top are constantly following a changing algorithm, adapting there “styles” to it, trying to maintain their “characters” with it, and scheduling/editing videos. It’s a lot of work in the sense you have to constantly be doing it. It might not be physical but, you’re spending a shit ton of time doing it. He isn’t. I’ve never watched his videos, but I doubt he pays an editor, I doubt he really plans anything out. These faggots want to act like they work so hard, yet can’t even do the basics well. The only reason they’re relevant is because people noticed they’re retarded, and they’re too retarded to realize that’s why.


Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
It was Frank Hassle he pulled the gun on.
He spent his money on food and renting teenage hookers as a sugar daddy even though he is too fat to fuck them.
is a pill junkie
used to run a porn blog
does weird shirtless tiktok videos to teenage girls
big fat coomer cry baby who blew his 15mins of fame, became irrelevant and doesnt have anything else to offer other than pitybeg videos whilst he slides further into diabeetus and obscurity.
His OnAforearms were the Sam and Tolkei reddit


He’s like DSP in the sense that they both want to act like they “work hard”. I know barely anything about this faggot. I just know he’s a retarded grifter. There’s some legitimacy to the idea that “YouTube” isn’t as easy as it seems. The people on top are constantly following a changing algorithm, adapting there “styles” to it, trying to maintain their “characters” with it, and scheduling/editing videos. It’s a lot of work in the sense you have to constantly be doing it. It might not be physical but, you’re spending a shit ton of time doing it. He isn’t. I’ve never watched his videos, but I doubt he pays an editor, I doubt he really plans anything out. These faggots want to act like they work so hard, yet can’t even do the basics well. The only reason they’re relevant is because people noticed they’re retarded, and they’re too retarded to realize that’s why.
I hate this fat asshole. Is this fat fuck an amputee yet?

I can sympathize with your perspective on YouTube to a degree. I can’t imagine making millions from YouTube and then one day they decide to randomly deplatform you with no notice after you have spent thousands of hours building a brand and producing studio-level content because you took a step or two outside of the mainstream hive mind. There’s literally no where else that had the reach they do.

Anyways, nice job taking your money and putting it in something everybody knows craters and skyrockets, stupid.