WWAW The Weird Tales pulps of the 1920s & 30s?


Dan doesn’t have a penis. I. Do.


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
E. Hoffman Price was pretty good.

Also, the Virgil Finlay illustrations were PFG:




It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
I am all about the pulps! I also love reading the old Doc Savage and The Shadow pulps. No pretense, no subtext - just a rousing adventure.

Lovecraft, Howard and Burroughs are my all time favorites. I think that I preferred the Solomon Kane stories to Conan, however.

I have been meaning to check out Smith. Recommended?

E. Hoffman Price was pretty good.

Also, the Virgil Finlay illustrations were PFG:

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The Gay Virgin Finlay

Will Tate

Oven March
I got a collection of Conan stuff and a book of the Shadow stories, that shit slaps, child, and I wish stuff like that would come back. I don't see why one couldn't do pulp-style shit in a modern setting. Like Easily said, just escapist stories to pass the time.