WWAW the sweet potatoes?


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Been enjoying these with a lean protein (mostly turkey, chicken, sometimes fish) one or two nights a week and I gotta say, they’re growing on me.

Used to hate them but now I like to roast them and then slice them longways like an eggplant before getting a little crisp on it on the stovetop.


#1 Poster
You really want to go there, Cuntie?! Bring it on, FUCKFACE!

A baked potato is adult's food. Little baby infants with their sweetie potatoes. A baked potato goes with anything. It is the swiss army of the kitchen, the loyal and humble baked potato with butter, tuna and lots of salt and pepper shits on "sweet potatoes", which is also trendy and "cool"... I bet you drink frappuccino's and consider yourself a man 😲