WWAW the Monkeypox

I remember I made a thread about Bill Gates' prophetic warnings that a smallpox (or like) pandemic was likely. I also said there was some coded language being thrown around by Biden, etc.

I was obviously called a crazy person (which I am, but not relevant)... & now 'Monkeypox' is appearing here & there. I wonder if that cunt who works for big pharma would like to reappraise his previous statements re this & also the vax in light of recent developments.

Haven't bothered reading it, but here's the old thread: https://new.onaforums.net/threads/coded-language-in-the-news-dark-winter.5865/

I'm guessing this'll be the new panic once COV completely loses steam & becomes endemic.

Call this a schizo-post if you want... & roll-up your sleeves for yet another untested bi-yearly injection


I’ve always had this schlepp, this jabroni, this schmuck on my fucko list
