WWAW the Madonna destroying her face with plastic surgery?


I love it when these hooers reveal how incapable they are of aging gracefully.

Begone, servant of Baphomet and Moloch!


Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
What a sad existence. She was popular in the mid 80's to early 90's and just couldn't fawkin leave it alone *sniff*. She could have just retired in the late 90's, took her fortune and raised her kids in privacy and she would have been remembered fondly by most people. She can't accept she's old and irrelevant though, so she keeps pulling attention seeking antics to get eyes on her.. it's fucking sad dude. I remember when she was trying to rebrand herself as some hip party girl ala Miley Cyrus and it was cringe as fuck, she was like 58 prancing around in leotards and kissing Drake and shit. No one but the fruitiest of aging faggots care about Madonna.