WWAW The Last of Us HBO series


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.

People are soy facing about it on Reddit but I honestly think it looks garbage. That weird looking girl they got to play Ellie was a terrible choice and it seems like they're just going to retell the story from the first game, which is completely pointless.


Why they cast a fetal alcohol syndrome looking girl to play Ellie. I like friend of the show Pedro Pascal.



Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Wasn't the entire selling point of that game that the storytelling held up alongside its cinematic counterparts? Doesn't immediately adapting it into a series undercut that a bit?

Exactly. I thought that right from the start. The only good reason for a show to exist would be tell a new story that isn't in either of the games but it's clear from this trailer they're just doing the first game but as a series. Pointless.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Part of wanting to get Ellie through everything alive was because she was a cute kid. I'd have thrown this troll to the creatures before the first chapter ended.

She was such a weird choice. I don't know why they chose two Game of Thrones actors who look nothing like the characters they're supposed to be playing. Show is likely going to be garbage.


You will never see my penis
It's one of the very few games where I enjoyed the storytelling instead of hating it. I kept playing to a big part because I wanted to find out how it ends. This looks pretty close to the source material, even to the gameplay parts. What a pointless shit idea to turn it into a TV show.
It's one of the very few games where I enjoyed the storytelling instead of hating it. I kept playing to a big part because I wanted to find out how it ends. This looks pretty close to the source material, even to the gameplay parts. What a pointless shit idea to turn it into a TV show.
It'll be another worthless fad just like The Walking Dead, and stay ten seasons over it's welcome.


Still spreading the O&A virus
She was such a weird choice. I don't know why they chose two Game of Thrones actors who look nothing like the characters they're supposed to be playing. Show is likely going to be garbage.
The same actors get ALL of the work over and over again. No talents like Timothy Chalamet or Ryan Gosling or Kevin Hart are basically in every other movie. The point of Hollywood is to overexpose someone and just churn out shit movie and show after another. They are propaganda for kike politics and often times easy money. Being an actor is no different than being a whore or a robot.

You think Will Ferrel is funny? Yet he has a new movie every other week. You think The Rock has even a modicum of acting talent? No. The guy is terrible. But he is willing to dress like a woman, push fag politics, and comes from a volcano nigger background.

The people from Game of Thrones are in everything now. Star Wars, Marvel, or HBO trash. This is simply how the entertainment industry works. You will never hear the end of them until they are dead or criminally toxic persons like Harvey Weinstein.