WWAW the Ken Burns? (Documentaries Thread)

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
Get this nigga to John Sahag asap.


Fan of the Era
They are entertaining, but there is a problem with bias and integrity by him and his underlings. The West, for example had a lot of one-sided accounts re. the plains Indian wars, etc. The Jack Johnson doc. is another one where he downplays what a Nigger that guy was. I love the Lewis & Clark doc. Only saw parts of the Vietnam series because I think the earlier Vietnam - The Ten Thousand Day War series is impossible to beat.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Yeah, I expected that with WW2 but he can't fuck up the history of baseball too much, can he?
Wrong. Kikes have been controlling baseball for decades. Even rigging multiple World Series. Introducing niggers into the sport by breaking the color barrier. And then mass importing spics and other mud people into America.

Anyone who watches sports is a total faggot.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Wrong. Kikes have been controlling baseball for decades. Even rigging multiple World Series. Introducing niggers into the sport by breaking the color barrier. And then mass importing spics and other mud people into America.

Anyone who watches sports is a total faggot.
Other than that, how was the documentary, Mrs. Lincoln?


Kill a commie for mommy, awright
Civil War, Baseball, and Jazz are probably my favorite of his documentaries. Someone uploaded raw footage of Shelby Foote's interviews from the Civil War docs:

All in with the Shelby Foote over here. Have you read his Civil War a Narrative? My dad gave me all three volumes and I’ve never read them completely through but I’ve gone through and looked up different battles and events. He’s got some other books that are much shorter and definitely worth the read