WWAW The Great Escape?


Still spreading the O&A virus
In real life the escape failed even more miserably and all of them but three were executed or put in solitary. They left in the night during one the worst snowstorms in German history. So all of them had to either die in the woods or seek help from local Germans or the German military so that they would not freeze to death. Some of the officers who arranged the escape signed documents saying that they would not escape if the Nazis gave them better food and shelter for the remainder of the war. So of the 73 who were recaptured from the escape 50 were immediately executed because the Nazis were sick of caring for these invaders.

The three who escaped had the best winter clothes. So they could hide the longest in the woods. Also the Nazis knew that they were making an escape and randomly transferred a bunch of prisoners and sealed one of the tunnels. Forcing them to try to escape before the other two tunnels were found. So the 'great' escape had three men escape, 50 executed, and almost the entire camp put on half rations and water for the rest of the war.
In real life the escape failed even more miserably and all of them but three were executed or put in solitary. They left in the night during one the worst snowstorms in German history. So all of them had to either die in the woods or seek help from local Germans or the German military so that they would not freeze to death. Some of the officers who arranged the escape signed documents saying that they would not escape if the Nazis gave them better food and shelter for the remainder of the war. So of the 73 who were recaptured from the escape 50 were immediately executed because the Nazis were sick of caring for these invaders.

The three who escaped had the best winter clothes. So they could hide the longest in the woods. Also the Nazis knew that they were making an escape and randomly transferred a bunch of prisoners and sealed one of the tunnels. Forcing them to try to escape before the other two tunnels were found. So the 'great' escape had three men escape, 50 executed, and almost the entire camp put on half rations and water for the rest of the war.


In real life the escape failed even more miserably and all of them but three were executed or put in solitary. They left in the night during one the worst snowstorms in German history. So all of them had to either die in the woods or seek help from local Germans or the German military so that they would not freeze to death. Some of the officers who arranged the escape signed documents saying that they would not escape if the Nazis gave them better food and shelter for the remainder of the war. So of the 73 who were recaptured from the escape 50 were immediately executed because the Nazis were sick of caring for these invaders.

The three who escaped had the best winter clothes. So they could hide the longest in the woods. Also the Nazis knew that they were making an escape and randomly transferred a bunch of prisoners and sealed one of the tunnels. Forcing them to try to escape before the other two tunnels were found. So the 'great' escape had three men escape, 50 executed, and almost the entire camp put on half rations and water for the rest of the war.
Tbf, it was pretty great for atleast 3 people.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I like the unbridled optimism portrayal in movies of how WW2 went. Guys who came back became alcoholics with hair-trigger tempers and refused to ever talk about what went on. Baby boomers think it was one big adventure.
Reminds me of that South Park joke where Mr Garrison tells the kids that they need to write a story about one of their relatives. So Stan asks his Uncle Jimbo to tell him his life's story. And Jimbo tells about how Vietnam was this great carnival with water slides and bumper cars and then Stan presents it to class and gets an 'F'.


black suit and a smile
Reminds me of that South Park joke where Mr Garrison tells the kids that they need to write a story about one of their relatives. So Stan asks his Uncle Jimbo to tell him his life's story. And Jimbo tells about how Vietnam was this great carnival with water slides and bumper cars and then Stan presents it to class and gets an 'F'.
I'd forgotten about that episode. Jesus Christ am I tired of Tegridy Weed.