WWAW the facial abuse girl's art show

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
so she did face abuse porn at the age of 18 for $200 to fuck with her rich banker father, her father hired Carrie Goldberg (Pat's lawyer) to DMCA every clip of it on the internet, and now shes coming back as an artist, its hilarious really




Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
Every guy who has a daughter wants to sit down with her father and interview him in-depth for a week, taking notes the whole time and walking him through the way he raised her in detail so as not to put a similar cocksucking slob out into the world.
idk man even if you do it right theres some punk gonna get her anyway. what are you getting out of it at all? the grandchildren wont be named after you, all you accomplish was to prepare her for other's son