WWAW Spartacus TV Show



Pretty fawkin entertaining with some brutal violence like cutting a guys dick off and hanging him to bleed out and die from the wound. Too bad the first season Spartacus actor died of cancer and they had to replace him for the rest of the show, he was good.


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
I didn't watch it when it came out, but I ended up streaming it on Prime not too long ago. The drama is corny and all those shots of sweaty man ass and big Crixus dick are gay as fuck, but I still ended up liking it since it's one of the few shows in recent memory that presents tough guys as heroes and makes masculinity a virtue.

If Mel doesn't make a movie soon, I just might have to start watching gay porn...


...for the culture.


I didn't watch it when it came out, but I ended up streaming it on Prime not too long ago. The drama is corny and all those shots of sweaty man ass and big Crixus dick are gay as fuck, but I still ended up liking it since it's one of the few shows in recent memory that presents tough guys as heroes and makes masculinity a virtue.

If Mel doesn't make a movie soon, I just might have to start watching gay porn...

View attachment 56505

...for the culture.
Yeah a little too much penises but there was a good amount of bobs to offset

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
It watch pretty good. The man dick was a little much but enough about Lucy Lawless!

Viva Bianca can use my tongue as toilet paper after eating Holligan’s soup of the day, any day.
