WWAW Smiling Friends


May St. Mel bless you
It's pretty good. Better than any 10 minute Adult Swim show I've seen in almost 20 years. They have cheap m animation and nonsense, but also plots that go from A to B, unlike the rest of that fucking channel.


Fuck Sickos
It also has homosexual rape victim Perry Caravello in one episode


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
They were going to have Chris Chan play a grease puddle. But they knew Chris Chan would fucking blab everything so they were going to wait until they were about to animate but found out since he isn't in a fag guild he had to be in more than one, and just decided not to.


I love that garlic buttah saw...
Oneyplays lightly making fun of Linkara's voice for five seconds and him being a huge pissy bitch about it ever since always makes me laugh.

I only know about Linkara from OneyPlays and he seems like such a miserable person I've never watched anything of his outside of this bitching video.