WWAW Shakes The Clown?


Stand Alone Fruit
It's more dark than it is darkly comedic, but I recommend it. Smoochy is the superior film and comedy, but Shakes watch pretty good.
Yeah I’ve always heard about it and saw it’s on so I looked it up again. Couple people pointed out how it was a dark topic at the time of an alcoholic clown yet a decade later Bad Santa was a hit being similar with a drunk child’s entertainer.

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
Yeah I’ve always heard about it and saw it’s on so I looked it up again. Couple people pointed out how it was a dark topic at the time of an alcoholic clown yet a decade later Bad Santa was a hit being similar with a drunk child’s entertainer.
Bad Santa is much more direct and visceral, and Billy Bob is a more charismatic actor. Shakes has a much darker tone, too.