WWAW "Sam Hyde and MillionDollarExtreme"


I still find him funny but his peak was World Peace and we all know who a put a stop to that.


Where we at with the where we at?
MDE was amazing but Sam without Charls and Nick is just sort of less refined in a way?

It’s like he’s got yes men and nobody challenging his retarded ideas. I know nick is still around in a way but he’s got his rug store to run.

Wine party, the teacher bit, knife school, and tap water are incredible.

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
I really would have loved to see a second season of world peace but we’ve got a better chance of cloning Hitler to lead the fourth reich than seeing anyone in Hollywood throw more money behind a guy like Sam. I think he’s at his best now when he bloviates at length in front of a camera about the state of the world. That video he did in 2020 where he’s standing in that dirty Rhode Island river and talking about the BLM riots was some of the most brilliant off the cuff riffing (tssss) you’re likely to see. As far as making funny videos and sketches though those days are finished and I sure as hell ain’t paying for any of that crap on gumroad


I somehow find him to be both low-effort and try-hard at the same time.

I'm convinced his only fans are zoomers who grew up on garbage like Superbad and The Hangover.
They are fatherless white niggers who don't know any better, desperately seeking a big brother/father figure to copy.
And he has no problem roleplaying as daddy for the paypigs with his Advice Show guru faggotry. And even then, he's still broke.

Very Norton-esque fanbase. "What's going on big guy!' Hahahaha, Get it? Because he's being non-chalant in a bloody situation where you would normally be confrontational! It's funny because it doesn't match up. Lmao!!!!!

Can't believe he has the audacity to larp as a jew-hater then turns around and copies king jew Stern's school shooter prank bit.