WWAW Roast me?


Pay attention to how nervous I am
stinks is looking healthy


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
The best one:
"So I thought I would be brave to post my 45 year old face as a follower of this sub. And yes I am a female."

That was hilarious. Dumb bitch had obviously just stumbled onto the subreddit from elsewhere and thought she was going to post her stupid face and get a load of positive attention. Instead she got doxxed and drove away within hours.
I remember when Patrick did his failed AMA and held up that piece of paper like the people on the roastme subreddit. Another example of his staggering retardation


Some subreddits require you hold up a piece of paper with your user name on it and post pictures from THREE different angles!

There must be some real asshole trolls out there causing problems for people. :rolleyes:

On the other hand, it's annoying because that's precisely what I was planning to do.