WWAW Ricky Martin fuckin his nephew?



Every homosexual is a pedophile. this has been 100% confirmed. I FUCKING love science.

also, I fucking love the former governator of puerto rico. real ass dude.

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jul/16/puerto-rico-ricardo-rossello-leaked-messages-protests-governor[/URL]


Didn’T LisTen
Lol, I remember my mom and aunt being super into this faggot during his Livin La Vida Loca bullshit when I was like 12 years old. I remember telling them, “he’s a maricon!” A Puerto Rican finook! And they were both like “why?? Just cus he’s fit and handsome and dances well??” I could fuckin tell so easily. Needless to say I had a blast laughing at them when he came out.


Lol, I remember my mom and aunt being super into this faggot during his Livin La Vida Loca bullshit when I was like 12 years old. I remember telling them, “he’s a maricon!” A Puerto Rican finook! And they were both like “why?? Just cus he’s fit and handsome and dances well??” I could fuckin tell so easily. Needless to say I had a blast laughing at them when he came out.
women have no real gaydar...or 'gayness' isnt like this thing that will make them gross out. Im beginning to think women's sexuality is purely subjective...if tomorrow bestiality had high social value, every girl will start falling in love with Orangutans, caracals, lynxes, waterbucks, anything.