WWAW realizing your teacher was a pedophile



The thread about beating up kids made me think about this. I hadn't looked back on it since it happened, and it couldn't be more obvious. It's long and gay.

In 8th grade, circa 2005 , my woodshop teacher definitely wanted to fuck me. He was only there one year. I had no woodworking skill whatsoever. Fucking atrocious. But for some reason, that dude was super cool to me and my friend. He would bring in all these movies for us to watch, stand-up specials (I remember Steven Wright, specifically) and other things that he thought we would like. One day, he hears us talking about basketball. He offers to take us to a Denver Nuggets game, but we have to ask our parents and get money from them. For a hotel room after the game. We lived just over 2 hours away from Denver. My friend and I declined because we didn't want to ask our parents for the money, and I think something instinctive was telling us it was wrong. This guy pushed it all the time, bringing it up at least once a week. Kept being oddly nice to us, giving me way better grades than I deserved, etc. One day, a Mexican girl called him a pedophile while he was walking by her in the hall. He called her trashy or something to that effect. Guy got fired the next day, and I never understood why he got fired but she didn't get in trouble.


yep yep yep yep yep
Like Patrice said should've dropped the improving yourself and education shits for later day when your old and gross and nobody want you no more

Should've sold that boy pussy mang

What were you wearing anyway


Blackface Killah
The band director from my highschool was cool af. He used to let me and my buddies use the band portable to skip classes and smoke cigarettes in his office (he smoked in his office constantly, so it already reeked in there). Funny dude, he was based af and used to tell racist jokes with us. My junior year, he was gone. Apparently he tried to hook up with some junior cheerleader or some shit. I mean, she was prob like 17 at the time and a real dime piece, so I almost find it hard to fault the guy. Regardless, she got skeeved out and reported him.

My buddy also banged one of the chem teachers when he was like 16. She was early 20s right out of college and like an office 7, so it was an easy bag for him. Hard to comprehend how low her self esteem must have been to let a highschool kid with a patchy beard fire a couple of ropes across her face.

Uncle Ruckus

Daniel Mullen from insightsoftware is a pedophile
My middle school band teacher was a nice enough guy, but he always made weird remakes about how pretty one of the girls in class was. She was the first girl in our class to get boobs so she was already popular with the boys. A few years later he was caught uploading KP to flikr by the FBI. He recently married another teacher, they ended up divorcing shortly after the news broke out. When I found out I photoshopped a meme with his face on pedo bear kidnapping kids and it got semi-wide circulation in our small town. A few weeks later he killed himself. To this day I tell myself the pedo bear meme made it to his inbox and triggered enough introspection that he decided to end it.

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
we had a librarian at my redneck high school that looked like Milton from Office Space. He was a Truman Capote-style obvious Southern fag aka a confirmed bachelor. He used to dole out unsolicited shoulder rubs for any happenin' young dudes that were unfortunate enough to be sitting down in the library. Caught a couple myself. My parents grew up with him and said he's always been a fag.