WWAW real masculinity?



No I don't mean growing a beard and shoving a dildo in your ass like your average coping "manly" faggot in the 21st century

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I mean working out and grounding yourself every morning. Feeling the power in your balls. Appreciate being a man. Connect to your divine masculinity with nature.

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Become a freak!

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You gonna be a fucking cookie cutter, or are you gonna go back to monkeh? Where you fucking belong, because you're beautiful.

There are two types of people in this world.

Cookie cutter faggots:


And freaks:

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Which one will you be today, child?


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
You want to be a man. Simple. Get a well paid job, find a way to provide, shut the fuck up and quit worrying and overthinking like a woman.

If you're putting in more effort than this to conquer your quest of red pill masculinity then you're most likely a massive faggot.


"... radio's most notorious shock jock."
This shit makes me laugh, every time I see it. Women are so fucking retarded it's unreal. "I like big tall muscle guys, so guys must like big tall muscle girls! This will give me access to better men!"

Stay in your lane, cunt. Your number out of 10 is fixed and it can only ever go down.
The funniest part for me is risking her fertility for online asspats.
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Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
You gotta be kinda retarded to do the things he has done. Have you read his book? With how fucked up his childhood was it’s a miracle he’s not another nigger out there looking for gibbs from the government

I read it, and I agree, but...

His childhood wasn't even that bad.

Funny, I could read between the lines that the SEALS didn't like him. His award rack was a joke.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Not to be a hater or anything but David Goggins is a retarded nigger.
Goggins refused to go into combat multiple times and basically got permission from the Navy to do nothing but workout all day. An officer once basically called him out for not going on patrols and Goggins told on him to a higher officer like telling your teacher in third grade. And like most SEALs he is probably on every type of steroids or PEDs but preaches garbage "clean living". He also failed practically every military school he was sent to including failing BUD/S twice and likely getting help to pass the third time because he could not pass on his own.

Imagine going to Iraq and losing your legs to an IED while this nigger failure is a millionaire and never saw combat and you get nothing.


Goggins refused to go into combat multiple times and basically got permission from the Navy to do nothing but workout all day. An officer once basically called him out for not going on patrols and Goggins told on him to a higher officer like telling your teacher in third grade. And like most SEALs he is probably on every type of steroids or PEDs but preaches garbage "clean living". He also failed practically every military school he was sent to including failing BUD/S twice and likely getting help to pass the third time because he could not pass on his own.

Imagine going to Iraq and losing your legs to an IED while this nigger failure is a millionaire and never saw combat and you get nothing.
Rich Jewish men hire him to teach them how to be masculine (and to fuck their wives).