WWAW Ray Strachan being only 22 years old but looking like this:



DOB January 1, 2000...I thought Black dont crack? Nigga looks 42



I have a face like a shovel
genes are a bit of a motherfucker

I'm gonna put myself over a little bit...I'm 42, I've had Non Hodkins lymphoma for over a year (it's taking longer to get rid of than we initially expected)...also, while I was no Rob Ford in my partying days, I did my fair share.....I also was a pretty hardcore steroid user who blasted/cruised for a good year and a half (without doing any bloodwork mind you)

Those things aside- I still look like a guy in my mid 30's

I have all my hair, and my teeth are great.....I can only thank my genes

oh, as for my lymphoma- it wasn't genetic, or due to my steroid use/partying...it was just "random"

tl/dr.....premature aging is most of the times genetic....look at that brian stelter (sp) nigga....I think he's barely 30