Wwaw Qanon.

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
His cryptic blathering shit is gay and can be interpreted any number of ways depending on what’s happening in the news and who’s reading it.

the flag flies higher than the eagle on the wings of Jefferson’s bagel. When the dachshund whistles through its anus the patriots will hear the call. Trust Durham. Trust the plan.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
I totally understand why it took off. I mean, it was glorified wish fulfillment. We have seen enough cursory evidence over the years to deduce that there are at least some high level pedos in Hollywood and in politics. But they have money, and with money comes power. So if a "secret" source from inside the then-current administration begins "leaking" news that they are making moves against these people, I get why people want to believe that.

But eventually your eyes have to align what they see with what you are hearing. It was just a misinformation campaign at the end of the day.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
I totally understand why it took off. I mean, it was glorified wish fulfillment. We have seen enough cursory evidence over the years to deduce that there are at least some high level pedos in Hollywood and in politics. But they have money, and with money comes power. So if a "secret" source from inside the then-current administration begins "leaking" news that they are making moves against these people, I get why people want to believe that.

But eventually your eyes have to align what they see with what you are hearing. It was just a misinformation campaign at the end of the day.
Its like nigger lottery numerology for boomers.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Its like nigger lottery numerology for boomers.
I totally understand why it took off. I mean, it was glorified wish fulfillment. We have seen enough cursory evidence over the years to deduce that there are at least some high level pedos in Hollywood and in politics. But they have money, and with money comes power. So if a "secret" source from inside the then-current administration begins "leaking" news that they are making moves against these people, I get why people want to believe that.

But eventually your eyes have to align what they see with what you are hearing. It was just a misinformation campaign at the end of the day.
After Wikileaks, people were primed for more inside dirt, so Q comes along to take advantage. All that cryptic shit was just like what a fortune teller gives you.
How many times can a date pass where something was supposed to happen before you figure out you’ve been had?
And then whatever Q is says “disinformation is necessary,” and people buy into that and keep getting strung along.