WWAW Prostitution?

Are you alright, mate?

I'm just an ordinary UK geezer such as yourself, so let me know if you want to rabbit and pork about something.


#1 Poster
Are you alright, mate?

I'm just an ordinary UK geezer such as yourself, so let me know if you want to rabbit and pork about something.
So do you think she'll stick her tongue right up my bum? It won't be worth £150 if she doesn't stick it all the way in 🤔

CuntFucker .

Danny Doll Eyes
It's a blessing if you're the type of guy who has to pay for it, I guess. I wouldn't know. People say I'm handsome like Joey Pants in Memento (2000).



The idea of Asian men coming to first world countries to have sex is, I have to admit, pretty hilarious.

Put it this way: You're going to have to pay your monthly salary upfront to even get a homeless woman to touch your cock.

I'm not saying it's right. I'm not saying it's fair. But that's how it is.
I knew this old POS Lebanese who would prowl women's shelters for potential tenants (slumlord). I'm almost certain he'd offer desperate white women rent for sex type deals.