WWAW potatoes


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
Make a soup with them and post a picture of it.
Don't forget the saltines!



Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
Fast and dirty Mediterranean creamed potato soup with lamb meat balls. I didn't put a lot of effort into the meatballs.

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Just to be clear she thinks I'm a tard for making soup at 830pm for new.onaforums.net. I don't disagree with her and it feels like I just named 5 breakfast cereals and got fucked by Gavin. But I get bored and the combo of Kafta and cumin worked. She said it's like eating a middle eastern cock after McDonald's French fries, whatever that means.


Just to be clear she thinks I'm a tard for making soup at 830pm for new.onaforums.net. I don't disagree with her and it feels like I just named 5 breakfast cereals and got fucked by Gavin. But I get bored and the combo of Kafta and cumin worked. She said it's like eating a middle eastern cock after McDonald's French fries, whatever that means.
And what are you going to do with the other 49 lbs?