WWAW Post Micturition Dribble (PMD) or after dribble?

You've finished pissing into the sink at work so you give your dick a few shakes thinking you're all done. Then you get back to your desk and when you sit down your prick decides to squirt out a bit of pee so that you now have a small piss stain on your trousers. Assuming it's not a symptom of urine cancer or some shit, can you help a brotherman out?

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
You've finished pissing into the sink at work so you give your dick a few shakes thinking you're all done. Then you get back to your desk and when you sit down your prick decides to squirt out a bit of pee so that you now have a small piss stain on your trousers. Assuming it's not a symptom of urine cancer or some shit, can you help a brotherman out?
The curse of having a huge cock that holds a few extra drops. The fellas w the little peters don't know the shame.
I'll push on your taint while you piss.


Great food
Can't tell if you're actually looking for practical answers but either a) wait for it to dry or b) spill a little actual water on yourself so no one in their right mind would ever think it was piss. Maybe add some dribbles down towards the bottom of the pants as if you were sitting when you spilled something.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
When i worked in an office I used to have the cubicle that was literally 8 feet away from both bathroom doors.
Also, i autistically positioned my desk so that I'd have a direct view out of my cube towards those doors to see anyone coming in or out BUT that was only because it was the optimal positioning to keep any people walking by to see my screen and that I'm not actually working, a warranted precaution but i now see people may have assumed I was a pervert.

Anyways I noticed this happening to me.
I'd stand by the urinal and make sure I give my guy all the shakes it should take to get rid of what's left in my tubes, but when I sat down I'd see a lil dribblings on my pants almost every time.
Turns out I was just splattering it against the urinal and getting it on myself cause i was standing too close on the account of me not wanting anyone to see my lil pecker.
I solved this by sitting down to pee

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I hear some arabs keep alabaster rocks in their pocket so they can wipe the drip off.

The Arm

Fire stalk with me.
I had a girlfriend who had this same problem with her pussy. She just used pads. That was the only thing wrong with it, though. She was the tightest I ever had.
I overheard two drunks talking about this very thing, and one told the other to stand on his toes while pissing because it “changes the angle and gets everything out.”

I tried it and there may be something to it.