Wwaw peter caine?



He's right, they are terrible pets. If he wasn't such a whiney faggot I'd tell him to get a kiddy pool and just leave it in a room for the raven, but he wants to use a little box like an ass.

I used to feed these crows at the park down the street from where I used to live. Hard shell peanuts. They would go fucking insane for them and eventually knew exactly who I was and would do their calls when I got there. They'd immediately wait for me to throw them all over the place.

I was convinced people were making up stories about crows bringing them gifts until one of them starting doing it. I shit you not it brought things on two different occasions, once was a ball of foil and once was a pen. First time if flew from the tree to picnic table and left the foil right next to my phone and bag. 2nd time it flew and landed less than 2 feet away and placed the pen on the ground and flew away after doing a little crow call. This was after just a couple weeks of feeding them.

I recommend if you have crows nearby, do the same. They're fascinating birds.

Fuck I'm a faggot.