WWAW paying medical bills?



Do you pay them every time? I rarely go to the doctor, but in the past I've had some bills sent to me. At first I paid all of them because I didn't want my credit to get messed with. But I also had a couple anesthesia bills and a bill from a camel jockey cunt dentist trying to overcharge for a "deep cleaning". These I completely blew off and when they told me they would send it to collections, nothing happened and my credit is still excellent. Is there a formula to this? And what's the deal with haggling? My gentile nature makes me cringe at the idea in most instances, but these medical sssssscumbags will try to squeeze every penny they can out of you even when they don't have to.
A while back, my mother had to have back surgery. They sent her to physical therapy rehab after. It was her second trip to this rehab, so I wasn't sure how or if Medicare covered it. So I asked the asshole social worker dipshit, and he replied "I think so, but I'll look into it and get back to you".

A few weeks after she went home a bill arrives. It was just a piece of stationary from the rehab outfit that said "you owe us $4000, due immediately". I just ignored it. A few weeks later another bill arrived, from some Jew, Jew and Jewish law firm, demanding the $4000. It also said "if you dispute this bill blah blah blah notify us in writing with 30 days blah blah". So I wrote a letter, demanding a full itemized list of the charges, including dates and times of all services rendered and who rendered those services. I also wrote that if my mechanic gave me some bill and didn't bother to explain how he arrived at the charges, of course I wouldn't pay it. I never heard from them again and nothing ever came of it.


I got sliced across my lower back area near my kidney from some jerk with a blade. Needed stitches and staples. Never even acknowledged the bill and ignored every call from collectors and never opened mail. It's been 11 years, doesn't even show up on my credit report anywhere.

I'm going to assume it was over $1,000 but I never actually looked at the bill lol.

If I didn't see it, I didn't know better. Sorry doc.


Normally I'd agree if we were talking about an honest business, but these medical cocksuckers inflate the shit out of their bills. A buddy of mine does deliveries to hospitals. They charged $75 to deliver a six-pack of Ensure. And you know that shit gets passed onto the patient. If I can avoid getting gypped then hey, why not?
And do you know why that is? Because so many people don’t pay their bills. And also the insurance companies taking their cut.


Stand Alone Fruit
I can never figure out the healthcare system, I think it has be a certain amount to actually go to the trouble of a collections agency. I know every now and then I’ll get a doctor bill for like 13 bucks and haven’t paid it and nothing has happened.


get your dental cleaning done for free at dentist schools. I had a really sexy student work on my teeth the last time, and even her examiner was a hot milf.


Calling all simps
i've had plenty of ambulance rides and hospital stays that just disappeared after they realized i wasn't gonna answer the phone. got meningitis 3 times before they figured out it was lyme disease that was a bitch. i go to a pharmacy 2 towns over because they let me name my price. they ring me up and i say no actually it's supposed to be this. works every time.


May St. Mel bless you
I don't think medical debt affects your credit like unpaid credit cards do. I'm not a Jew, so not sure how it all works.


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
i've had plenty of ambulance rides and hospital stays that just disappeared after they realized i wasn't gonna answer the phone. got meningitis 3 times before they figured out it was lyme disease that was a bitch. i go to a pharmacy 2 towns over because they let me name my price. they ring me up and i say no actually it's supposed to be this. works every time.
Do they accept Amazon gift cards as payment?