WWAW Party Down Announced Reboot?

It will be awful. They will add 5 niggers to the staff and a tranny.
Thing is, if it were still 2010 I'd trust Party Down to go that direction and still be funny. They handled race ("I don't want you serving them two jiggers") and sexuality (Cole Landry's entire arc plus the twink hungry producer at the gay wedding) before without pandering and one of the strengths of the show was creating one-off characters that still managed to subvert your expectations.

I'm more convinced it will suck because the entire formula for reboots is cancerous to creativity. As soon as "fan service" exists as an ingredient in your recipe -- whether directly or indirectly -- everything of substance and originality (something the original Party Down had in abundance) falls by the wayside.

Not to mention the show pulled off what virtually no programs do: every episode is great and it completely stuck the landing with a perfect ending. Now we get a big fucking asterisk next to that statement.


Thing is, if it were still 2010 I'd trust Party Down to go that direction and still be funny. They handled race ("I don't want you serving them two jiggers") and sexuality (Cole Landry's entire arc plus the twink hungry producer at the gay wedding) before without pandering and one of the strengths of the show was creating one-off characters that still managed to subvert your expectations.

I'm more convinced it will suck because the entire formula for reboots is cancerous to creativity. As soon as "fan service" exists as an ingredient in your recipe -- whether directly or indirectly -- everything of substance and originality (something the original Party Down had in abundance) falls by the wayside.

Not to mention the show pulled off what virtually no programs do: every episode is great and it completely stuck the landing with a perfect ending. Now we get a big fucking asterisk next to that statement.
I need to give it a rewatch I haven't seen it since it aired.