WWAW Nootropics?

how many you fools on the Alpha Brain?

There are some good things out there, Piracetam's a good constant staple but I'll drop a few more interesting: Phenyl-piracetam, Bromantane, Selegiline, Vinpocetine.

Wats some dem other smart drug we got?
Noopept, oxiracetam and aniracetam sometimes. Used to mix it with weed and lsd and it made them different. Always hard to tell if they do anything otherwise. I would always end up quitting and buying some phenibut or adrafinil on Smart Powders to get some more noticeable effects.


Phenibut and moda slap, chowld.
feel a stronger god complex than blow on those
The rest felt like scams ime
Yea man i added lions mane and l-theanine to my stack yesterday, i was so relaxed :3


I have a face like a shovel
I love Nootropics but I always think of Nootropics being like SARM's in the sense that in the money you spend on a good stack, you could probably use that money to get a fake script for the stuff that REALLY works

SARM's---the insane money you put towards a SARM's cycle that could work could be used towards legit gear/HGH