WWAW Niggers Killing Each Other Over Too Much Mayo On A Subway Sandwich?



imagine if sandwich making is just a front and their main income is from pimping children ass to pedos...Nothing (absolutely nothing) surprises me anymore, but a lot makes me Loff.

it would have been a better story if he killed for putting 'too little' mayo...like someone feeling cheated or sumptin. This though, is just wanton savagery.


Great food
imagine if sandwich making is just a front and their main income is from pimping children ass to pedos...Nothing (absolutely nothing) surprises me anymore, but a lot makes me Loff.

it would have been a better story if he killed for putting 'too little' mayo...like someone feeling cheated or sumptin. This though, is just wanton savagery.
No wonder theres more Subway franchises than any other fast food joint in the world.