WWAW new physics causing doubt of "Big Bang"


I'm too retarded to understand the specifics of this, but I gather it's something like "we looked at the new telescope thing, and based on what we see, the big bang could not have produced this galaxy".

They're just theories. Two thousand years ago, people thought the moon was eating the sun during an eclipse. Two thousand years from now, humans will be laughing at how backwards and retarded we were.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
The big bang theory = shit happens

So, in the beginning, there was nothing (define that) and nothing got the energy to make something and it expanded for some reason.

OR, there was something so small that it was close to nothing, but it was still something, and there's nothing to account for it being there or expanding.

I think the universe is an eternal void that's been around for an eternity. I think it was created by God, who exists outside of time and space, therefore He isn't subject to flux and thus, can create a universe that's been around forever. At the very least, a better explanation than the big bang is, "the universe is eternal and we will never wrap our minds around it."


The big bang theory = shit happens

So, in the beginning, there was nothing (define that) and nothing got the energy to make something and it expanded for some reason.

OR, there was something so small that it was close to nothing, but it was still something, and there's nothing to account for it being there or expanding.

I think the universe is an eternal void that's been around for an eternity. I think it was created by God, who exists outside of time and space, therefore He isn't subject to flux and thus, can create a universe that's been around forever. At the very least, a better explanation than the big bang is, "the universe is eternal and we will never wrap our minds around it."
Right. These questions can drive a man insane. We will never understand so the best thing to do is be like the animals and just live our lives and make fun of Patrick Tomlinson.

He's fat.

