WWAW NBM band Mayhem?


A circle of N-words
I do enjoy some of their music, but as for the band members, i feel they were just a bunch of angsty young faggot edgelords trying to be ubercool with the whole we are totally evil, church burning, stabbing each other thing, but I would Id like to see Patrick S.Tomlinson authentically recreate Deads suicide photo tbphwya.

Atilla Csihar is great. His collabs with Sunn O))) are fantastic.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.

What an album cover, lol

Varg is based for killing that faggot Euronymous, slovenly kebab eating piece of shit.
WWAWD Jimmy Schwartzman tiers? Only for the Norwegian stuff:

A - Creme de la creme

Immortal (first four)
Burzum (first three)
Emperor (first)
Darkthrone (first four, including Soulside Journey)

B - Still good, but mostly recommended if you like the above.


C - More simplistic stuff for dumb faggots, but still fun every now and then I you wanna rawk.

Dimmu Borgir

D - Don't bother!

The rest (including Satyricon and Ulver)