WWAW Napoleon Dynamite


Get up here and shut up!
Haven't watched it in years but it seems to hold up as long as the retarded fans who quote everything from it aren't around to RUIN it. I was literally just thinking of the scene randomly this morning when the incoherent old man was about to dispatch a cow or a horse next to a school bus loaded with kids and how much of hilariously hard time he was actually having loading a single shell, closing the breach, almost needing two hands to cock it, just to quickly and perfectly mount it before the screaming starts.

Uncle Rico is fawkin awesome too.


I always loved this movie. They made it funny with out having to go the R-rated route, thats hard to do in movies these days (or 20 years ago when this came out).

This is exactly what makes it good. Making a movie for teenagers that's funny without being dirty or mean is a real challenge. They manage to capture the awkwardness of that stage of life that's resolved without overt sex, cruelty, or some implausible prank. I always took it as a signal that people like Napoleon, Deb, and Pedro are odd, but content, and their experience is more widespread than the popular kids, which is why they win the election. They win by leaning into what makes them weird, not pretending to be like Summer. I gotta rewatch it, haven't seen it since it first came out.


"y'all folx slept on Napoleon Dynamite and never deserved it to begin with" - Fat Faggot most likely.
