WWAW naked pictures of yourself as a kid

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman

But honestly after seeing that thread of Uncle Paul defending bathroom tub pics of kids that aren't even his, WWAW looking at pics your parents took of you while naked where there's no ill will

I know there's something of my older brother and me in a tub with bubbles and shampoo mohawks (no cocks)

I also remember a hilarious picture of my younger brother at maybe 3-4 completely naked on a bike with training wheels on our back deck, his fucking pecker is the size of a peanut and he's cheesing for the camera. Everyone in my immediate family(the only ones who would've seen it) will remember this picture when it's randomly referenced.

Non-pedo little family member dick is hilarious


Gregory Pecker
There's a picture of me naked at my grandparents' house as a toddler yelling into a phone. My little dong is just danglin around right there. My hair's all wet so I either just got out of a bath or the pool.

My aunt also has a picture of me and my cousin in the tub but you can't see anything. I'm dumping water on my own head from a toy boat.