WWAW motivational youtube videos

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
I was quite drunk months ago and cannot remember why the fuck i came across this woman, it had to be something in recommended videos of those BS motivational videos with stock footage but a person in 1932 talking, so I gave her a pity subscribe
Now I come across her recent uploads in recommended(which I never view). This has 1 view:

My main thing is I'm perplexed why she's continuing to try whatever this youtube advice thing is
I don't want to be mean, I'm just literally perplexed.
Also I find her unattractive, and I know she has some arm tattoo or something which immediately makes me question the judgement of a person, especially a woman.

I'm just asking for stories of why you know about obscure nothings on youtube


Me with motiviational shit:


on topic, Im subbed to this guy for the lols (but also he's got good, solid advice from a Hobo/Hitch-hiker):



Screen Shot 2022-07-31 at 11.13.25 PM.png
sometimes motivational but a dude who keeps plugging along despite having so few views. 78 views is kind of higher than average for young Rey, he's been at it over a decade by now.



I have a face like a shovel
i see no problem with motivational video's

the real problem (and I was guilty of this) is starting a playlist where you collect motivational videos that you plan on watching, and you never ever watch them...you keep collecting videos hoping that you'll get motivated by some sort of weird "collection-osmosis"

fact is you just got to pound the pavement, get rejected, and repeat till you finally succeed


I don't know where through start with how much I hate you tubers and the fact that its even a thing. I could write an essay on how retarded it is and it's cancer to society.

You have all these middle aged cunts getting their "life advice" from some retarded good looking person with Dan Mullen level verbal skills.

"Hey guys! Like and subscribe! Before we start I've got to tell you about this awesome product! "

Let's look at this half white half Indian family react to watching this 45 year old man do goofy things on a unicycle around this house!!! Their reactions LITERALLY KILL me. So funny!!

Dumb cunts think anyone wants there opinion on ANYTHING? They do understand its all just a competition to see who can get the most shitskins jerking off to you, right?

Retards putting videos of their young children all over the internet realize it's advertising for pedfiles, don't they? do ya?!?

I need some egg whites.


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I have a special hatred for self help gurus in general. It's what I used to do before I got into patposting. I used to fuck with them back in the day. It was very common that you'd do a tiny bit of research and find they were bankrupt, lived in a hovel or they had changed their name. Just exposing that was enough to enrage a lot of them.

It's a lot harder now because they're all on youtube and there's thousands of them soaking up clicks.