WWAW Mormons



They're good at networking without getting kike-y about it. They're mostly honest/moral. You don't hear about Mormon pyramid schemes, or crimes. We judge them too harshly.

We need to take the good from them and discard the bad, IMO they're the benchmark "White" demographic if we're to ignore their actual beliefs and just look at their actions/behavior. If we had more "mormon-ish" type groups, The Great Replacement wouldn't be this easy.


Mormon girls are cash as fuck. Mormon look after their ((own)) I want to go to heaven and for that reason, I’m out.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
No joke, a mormon invited me to his church next Sunday. I will report back.
Please report back.

My friend of the longest time, years ago, converted to Mormonism... and then stopped going. So I have some familiarity with it.

I will admit, I was legit raised in a cult. I only want to talk about this on a podcast that has yet to be announced. So, STAY TUNED YOU FILTHY NIGGERS
I don’t have any opinions either way about them but maybe Pig, MooJo and Nana can tell us after I fill out the form online and get them put on the list for a home visit.


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