WWAW military antiques and shit



I'm watching King of the Hill, and Cotton decorates his baby's room with a bunch of army memorabilia. It looked cool as fuck.
I love army shit like that. I don't know why. Maybe I have autism for army stuff.
I also loved Herman's Military Antiques from The Simpsons:


I've been to a few army museums before. The Torquester wants to go to more.


Stolen valour isn't it? Like what are you chasing with collecting memorabilia

My grandad has some 19th century decommissioned guns and swords and as a kid it was the coolest shit ever tbf
I haven't collected any. I just like looking at it like in museums and stuff. I have some war stuff from my grandparents though.
Come to think of it, most of my favorite movies are war movies.

The fawk is it about that...


How does that feel?!
I enjoy most aspects of history but like many WW1/WW2 are major interests of mine. My Grandfather served in the pacific during 2 and had a sizeable collection besides his own gear and souvenirs he personally acquired. He remarried later in life but always kept in contact with the family and made holidays a huge ordeal for everyone elses benefit. Long story short after he died this woman ended up calling her son over to ransack his home before his body was even cold. Fucking cunt wouldn't even give my father the watch my grandfather wore during the war. I know its kinda corny now with the pulp fiction scene but that watch was his birthright and to this day he still cracks up over not getting it.

Anyways for myself ... the only piece of WW2 I own is a single reich-pfennig coin that was made in 1942..

Sorry to pull a Cumia and start ranting.


Stolen valour isn't it? Like what are you chasing with collecting memorabilia

My grandad has some 19th century decommissioned guns and swords and as a kid it was the coolest shit ever tbf
No, it's only stolen velour if you go out in public in uniform pretending you've served.
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My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
My grandfather was in D Day and would tell me stories as a child of the seventies and got me into WW2, my father used to take me to gun shows back then, most shows were forty percent military relics, they had more Nazi items than a museum, you could get close and hold the things not like a museum, for me it was better than going to Disney


You're disrespecting the fallen soldiers by paying money for their material possessions in this twisted capitalist society MAHNN
