WWAW Midjourney?

Pretty cool stuff. You can paint all kinds of things in any style imaginable just by putting in keywords.

Guide by Cuntfucker:

I have only tried the limited free one yet, so I ran out of posts before I could do much.





I dont like this... AI replacing artists. At least 99% of artists are liberal faggots, but still... This isn't good.

Anthony as a literal nana has my ribs tho.
I hope it doesnt...this is like how AutoCAD made all cars have the same aerodynamic faggy chassis...replacing shit like when Jaguars were individually torqued and wheeled by fine human engineering.

AI is going to make a lot of careers obsolete though...without providing replacement jobs (automobiles replaced horses but created a whole new industry...its gonna be fun being part of the 'useless class' when AI replaces doctors, lawyers, truckers, secretaries (already has and they're only kept for the appearances) etc.
I dont like this... AI replacing artists. At least 99% of artists are liberal faggots, but still... This isn't good.
Our collective standards for art are so low now that this will sweep over this junk culture so quick. You think the average podcast listener would notice if episodes were fashioned together using re-contextualized old clips?

We already know they design TV shows (and to a lesser extent movies if we're counting streaming services in that realm) by algorithm and visual art has now been reduced to the same. Most people never read a book again after they finish school. No one will travel to historic monuments once their VR counterpart is finely tuned enough.

It's bleak, but any utopion alternative seems so naive with what we've seen so far.