WWAW M. Night Shyamalan?


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Heard the twist on the new one is he shits in a toilet.
Bout time Hollywood made an inspirational movie CF can relate to.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Sixth Sense was good, but overrated.

Unbreakable was incredible.

Signs is probably my favorite of his.

The Village is all right.

The Happening is the drizzling shits.

Lady in the Water has a great premise and probably would have been better in someone else's hands. Pretentious.

Devil (produced and wrote) was good but forgettable.

Glass was utter dogshit.

Didn't bother with The Last Airbender.

I haven't seen The Visit or Old yet. I would like to, and overall I have heard good things.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
yeah based on what other people wrote after his 4th big hit with a twist people didnt see coming, they then expected some great twists

so then some gay movie about a water fairy(it was an okay film) and The Happening not really being a fun or surprising twist, the lowest common denominator audiences who went because of his name and wanted the continued big 'OH WHAT?' felt cheated, so shit got panned(maybe i dunno)


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
I thought 6th Sense was good and really liked Unbreakable. Nothing else though. Signs was dumb. Why not just keep the truck parked against the tree and let the woman live?

Seriously, that deus ex machina being fucking water because you don't keep your house clean was retarded.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I love Unbreakable and The Sixth Sense.

Everything else ranges from meh to dogshit.


I like his shit. Not the ones he takes on the streets, but obviously he's stopped giving a shit about writing good movies. Getting involved with Mel and or doing the Village (an allegory of Jewish prison planet enslavement) mightve fucked with his prospects.