WWAW Lee Corso


Shock Jock
He's currently getting more and more demented as the years go by, but that man is an American Treasure. He's the star of a long running show that people will religiously watch and is probably the closest thing to how television used to be when there were three channels and shows were an event.

Damn and that was 11 years ago. Havent watched Gameday in about as long.
He’s gotta be old as dirt, but at least they got Lou Holtz outta there


Great food


He's currently getting more and more demented as the years go by, but that man is an American Treasure. He's the star of a long running show that people will religiously watch and is probably the closest thing to how television used to be when there were three channels and shows were an event.

Have to show some respect to Herbstreit for just leaning into it and laughing. He’s probably thinking “classic Lee Corso right there.”

On a side note, my buddy met Herbstreit at an event and he said he was super cool. Apparently they talked about college football for like 15 straight minutes. Guy is just a massive fan.

Jesse Ventura

Access to the debates
I love Lee Corso. Grew up watching him on Saturdays.

He also got a shoutout in the rap song Hellbound which I thought was cool when I was 12.