WWAW killing and eating wildlife?



Speaking of hunting wildlife, coincidentally just listened to this.



Blackface Killah
I've got a few buddies down here in the south that hunt. It's the only meat I eat anymore - fuck the meat industry. I'm a faggot, tho and can't kill anything myself. Y'all niggas need a basket weaved tho, I'm your man.

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
I used to hate going hunting as a kid. I found it incredibly boring but I was also a dickhead kid. My dad is a lifelong hunter and we saved a ton of money growing up because every second meal was venison-based

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Worked with a guy who had to retire early on disability because, as the story goes, he got some sort of infection from cutting himself while field dressing a deer. Some of the deer blood got in there and in a few weeks his hand swelled to twice its size. He couldn't bend his fingers and any sort of pressure to it hurt. Barely more than even a casual handshake before he'd be in pain.

One of the old timers suspected the deer gods finally got their revenge.