WWAW Joshua Weissman


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt

I want to punch his smug face in every time i see a video of him recommended to me.

I made a Big Mac for 100x the costs, this is so much better than McDonalds!

No shit faggot, you're spending half a day making a big mac from home, do you know what fast food stands for?

All these pretentious youtube "chefs" should die in a fire.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Those fucking zoom in to the face and voice modulation shit everyone ripped off from Tim and Eric is so annoying, sick of seeing that shit. I did binge watch that townsend and son one tho, where he cooks shit from older time periods just cause it was kinda interesting.

Towsend fucking rules, such a wholesome guy.


Patrice lives!


Those fucking zoom in to the face and voice modulation shit everyone ripped off from Tim and Eric is so annoying, sick of seeing that shit. I did binge watch that townsend and son one tho, where he cooks shit from older time periods just cause it was kinda interesting.

He placed the meat face-down on the gridiron. Wouldn't all the lovely fat and spices drip off? Seems like a travesty. The end product looked amazing though.


The only food YouTube I watch is Nickacado avocado because it's funny to me to watch a skinny gay vegan turn into a big fat fuck who will eventually die (hopefully on a stream)


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Weissman's early videos are actually decent.

Then he started "youtubing" them and they are more annoying than videos my 5yo watches on YouTube kids.

If you watch it today, he's got a completely diverse crew that he shoehorns in. Like why on earth did you go out of you way to hire a 300-lb nigger to hold a camera for you? I'd love it if he brought his mom back on and she was Indian and he acted like it wasn't a different broad.