WWAW Joshua getting his ass handed to him a 2nd time by Usyk?


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Was a good fight overall and Joshua definitely had his moments but I think Usyk definitely deserved the decision.

That speech at that end when he went back to the ring was pure fucking cringe though. The fuck was that all about? Usyk actually looked embarrassed for him.


This forum saved my life!
Usyk will get destroyed when he meets a good heavyweight, he's incredibly overrated and is a cruiserweight. Bellew who is shit give him a good go, old man Chisora probably should of got a draw with him. Joshua is not a fighter, he's an athlete. He has no instinct, he hurt Usyk repeatedly but did not follow it up and finish it, he's scared to get punched himself. He's had no will to fight since Klitschko and hasn't looked good since then bar Pulev. He also seems to have mental health problems, those antics at the end were bizarre as was him walking into that student dorm from the street to lecture them about name calling him.

Fury must be laughing, he will not break a sweat to defeat Usyk and finally become undisputed.


His childish tantrum at the end followed by that patronising rambling speech. The mask slipped. He's a cunt.

He also grew up in Watford, which is a comfortably middle class area, in a two parent household, but tries to make out like he grew up in South Central LA.

He was being pushed as the next big thing, a clean-cut, uncontroversial British Muhammad Ali or something. Problem is he can't box and doesn't have much charisma. He started crying in the post match press conference. He must know his career is over.
I really like Usyk. He's got scary eyes, talented and is a funny guy who uses his poor English as a shield to laugh at/with himself.

Joshua needs to be spiteful. He didn't even attempt to be until round 9. He probably beats everyone in the division other than Usyk and Fury though.


Jacques De Gautier
I’d love to see him fight Wilder. That fight and the build up would be incredible.
Yeah, Wilder may be the only guy who gets tired before Joshua. I'm kind of looking forward to the Ortiz v Ruiz fight but there really aren't any other good ones on the horizon. GGG v Canelo will probably end with an older slower GGG getting stopped unfortunately
Yeah, Wilder may be the only guy who gets tired before Joshua. I'm kind of looking forward to the Ortiz v Ruiz fight but there really aren't any other good ones on the horizon. GGG v Canelo will probably end with an older slower GGG getting stopped unfortunately
Joyce v Parker could be good Joyce is the slowest heavyweight in years but seems to just never stop at his slow but constant pace and has a chin so is willing to get hit a lot. A level below elite but still two world title contenders
Scored it 9-3 Usyk

Joshua improved but he waited way too long to start letting his hands go. There would be a risk of getting caught but it was the only way he couldve won