WWAW Jordan Belfort



I get that he was cool and all in the movie, but he was a real guy who defrauded real people. He’s got a presence on the stupid linkedin and seems like its all positive reactions to him, but isn’t he kind of a scum bag? Or did he turn a new leaf so hes a good guy now..i dont know, im bored


Still spreading the O&A virus
In real life he was an ugly kike who sold penny stocks out of a boiler room and made almost no money and still has to pull scams now to stay afloat. All of his income is from scams, or his books where he writes fake stories about his vast criminal empire, which never actually existed. He never owned a yacht or a mansion. His yacht that he 'owned' was never purchased by him and he failed to finance the purchase because he did not have close enough to the money to own the yacht. The real owner, Bernie Little, held onto the note for the yacht until it sank in the ocean when Belfort was renting the yacht for a party.

His boiler room company Stratton Oakmont was on Long Island not on Wall Street. They are reported to have had over 1,000 employees but there is no proof of them being even close to that size. He is an FBI informant still and turned in a bunch of his employees during his boiler room scam days hence him being allowed to write books and make (((hollywood))) connections.


In real life he was an ugly kike who sold penny stocks out of a boiler room and made almost no money and still has to pull scams now to stay afloat. All of his income is from scams, or his books where he writes fake stories about his vast criminal empire, which never actually existed. He never owned a yacht or a mansion. His yacht that he 'owned' was never purchased by him and he failed to finance the purchase because he did not have close enough to the money to own the yacht. The real owner, Bernie Little, held onto the note for the yacht until it sank in the ocean when Belfort was renting the yacht for a party.

His boiler room company Stratton Oakmont was on Long Island not on Wall Street. They are reported to have had over 1,000 employees but there is no proof of them being even close to that size. He is an FBI informant still and turned in a bunch of his employees during his boiler room scam days hence him being allowed to write books and make (((hollywood))) connections.
Now that i remember i think a book came out last year or the year before about how Belforts biggest scam was making anyone believe any cool aspect from the movie. Basically that he was a fraud
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Dare i come to da defense of jordan ((belfort))?

After he went bankrupt trying to sell fish and meat door to door in the shithole known as long island, what was he gonna do.
join construction? wait tables? He had a degree in biology which unless you go to medschool is useless.

I for one admire his scamming skills, sorry the rubes who entered the pump and dumps were too stupid to do their own research.

Sameshit for madoff investors, their greed took them over as they were promised insane returns for no work.

That's the beauty of capitalism, if you have the balls and are willing to face the consequences for theft, you can make a shitload of money.
and he's doing the same thing now, more power to him.

It's people like pat or norton that would want belfort hung on the gallows...that scuuuuuumbag.
just because they were too stupid to do what he did

the guys a scumbag, but unlike nana cumia he's somewhat respectable for the work he puts into his grifts

He was a piece of shit and now wanna be faggots who share gay inspirational hustle memes give him more money because they think he's some amazing business guru when in reality he made most of his money through fraud. Fuck him
Every under 25 "investor" on social media or r/wsb needs to swallow cyanide if you catch my drift

In real life he was an ugly kike who sold penny stocks out of a boiler room and made almost no money and still has to pull scams now to stay afloat. All of his income is from scams, or his books where he writes fake stories about his vast criminal empire, which never actually existed. He never owned a yacht or a mansion. His yacht that he 'owned' was never purchased by him and he failed to finance the purchase because he did not have close enough to the money to own the yacht. The real owner, Bernie Little, held onto the note for the yacht until it sank in the ocean when Belfort was renting the yacht for a party.

True, but does it really matter if he wasnt truly that wealthy? he still rented yachts and left his ugly dago wife for a fawkin model, and now is using the same rented yacht stories to scam his way back to being a millionaire with NFT vaporware

His boiler room company Stratton Oakmont was on Long Island not on Wall Street. They are reported to have had over 1,000 employees but there is no proof of them being even close to that size.

he's a jew from the tri state area, any rube that believes those people because of their loud mouths and accent deserve whats coming to them
He is an FBI informant still and turned in a bunch of his employees during his boiler room scam days hence him being allowed to write books and make (((hollywood))) connections.
never understood the whole "rat" thing. same with da hate for sammy the bull.
who the fuck would spend decades in prison instead of a couple years because of "honor" and "dig-ni-tee"?
everyone would be an informant in his situation, if they say they wouldnt and would rather rot in prison till 70 theyre lying


lol Madoff didnt use any smarts, just old fashioned confidence grooming. His target were trusting acquaintances and distant relatives (he kiked fellow kikes, which is why he was made an example out of). Nothing inspirational about that guy...would be like being impressed with those fags in MLM who pitch to family and friends aggressively, and then act like they're successful marketers.


I for one admire his scamming skills, sorry the rubes who entered the pump and dumps were too stupid to do their own research.

[SIZE=18px]Sameshit for madoff investors[/SIZE], their greed took them over as they were promised insane returns for no work.

lol Madoff didnt use any smarts, just old fashioned confidence grooming.

you did noT LISten, child.

either way it's kinda splitting hairs, you gotta have the gift of gab (yuck) to get people to give you their money.
in the end jews got fucked, especially jason alexander in the seinfeld curb episode, so I have no ill will towards da burn man


lol Madoff didnt use any smarts, just old fashioned confidence grooming. His target were trusting acquaintances and distant relatives (he kiked fellow kikes, which is why he was made an example out of). Nothing inspirational about that guy...would be like being impressed with those fags in MLM who pitch to family and friends aggressively, and then act like they're successful marketers.
Pure greed and stupidity from the Madoff marks combined with utter incompetence from the SEC and definite politicking and corruption from SIFMA.

Fucking guy started in pink sheets but helped start NASDAQ. Still, with the 200% returns or whatever he promised bypassing OTC trades for PFOF, anyone with half a brain should've looked into the fundamentals of his industry. A lot of smart people fell for it but out of greed. They couldn't separate emotion from business. Error 101.


Still spreading the O&A virus
lol Madoff didnt use any smarts, just old fashioned confidence grooming. His target were trusting acquaintances and distant relatives (he kiked fellow kikes, which is why he was made an example out of). Nothing inspirational about that guy...would be like being impressed with those fags in MLM who pitch to family and friends aggressively, and then act like they're successful marketers.
Madoff had access to billions and was telling people he was investing their money into powerhouse companies like Microsoft, IBM, Coca Cola, and so on. Madoff also had deep business connections to all sorts of powerful politicians, CEOs, and financiers. He also was smart to scam a bunch of jewish charities first, himself being a jew, so that they would recommend him to every powerful jew in business. "You know who can get you 30% return on your stocks.....Bernie Madoff can".

Jordan Belfort was a dumb ugly kike selling penny stocks for $100 here and there. Madoff did more damage in one business deal than Befort did in his entire miserable life. Madoff just went to powerful jews and promised them like 50% returns on stocks no matter what the market looked like. He preyed on their greed. Belfort was cold calling senior citizens for pennies until the FBI turned him into a rat.

Madoff's list of who he scammed reads like a movie script. Holohoax museums, professional sports teams, A-list actors and actresses. If someone pitched you the 'Madoff Story' without you knowing it was a real story you would say "this is too unrealistic to make into a movie....like he scams the entire NYMets.....right....this script fucking sucks you hack". But he actually did scam them all out of $65billion but the actual damage costs were close to $200billion.

If you watch interviews with people who invested in Madoff but made money......it is obvious that they were in on the scam as well. And knew that they were being paid out with other peoples' money.