WWAW Jimmy Carter?


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I hate this faggot. Dude was a shit President, but because he was old and went out to volunteer people go "OMG he's so cool". Who gives a fuck?



My mother told me that he was a decent man who was not fit for the highest office but who really is?

One thing is for sure. That southern nigger isn't going to see 99
Just another way for the jews to slander southern Whites as hicks and inbreds.
It's ironic given jews are entirely made up of thousands of years of incest. It's why they're prone to schizophrenia and paranoid of any illness.



Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
It's ironic given jews are entirely made up of thousands of years of incest. It's why they're prone to schizophrenia and paranoid of any illness.

And ya know, the (((carpetbaggers))) were all kikes exploiting the remaining yeoman farmers and the worthless freed niggers.