WWAW Jim Gaffigan cheating on his wife with a pornstar in 2008?

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
lol at that bullshit premise...what's more likely is Heather's (((pimps))) did it to extort him once they found out he's a married guy. Make an account on /b and 'leak' the messages...no hacking needed.

eh, most of their clients are probably married men

also it’s not like Gaffigan is a senator or something

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
lol at that bullshit premise...what's more likely is Heather's (((pimps))) did it to extort him once they found out he's a married guy. Make an account on /b and 'leak' the messages...no hacking needed.
I remember when this happened. It was definitely a hack because they spammed all her nudes on Facebook and sent them to her family or something like that


NYC Mayor
WWAW the Jim Gaffigans daughter telling the BLM rioters to go destroy big businesses instead of small businesses?

I’m sure all those fat Mexicans and blacks were running back to the store to put their boxes of shoes back because Princess Gaffigan decreed small businesses off limits, from the safety of her backyard fortress.


