WWAW Hemorrhoids?


Anime is for Faggots


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Woke up early this morning to shit. All came out alright but when I went to wipe there was a fair amount of blood. No pain and when I went again later today...nothing. I've had a suspicion that I've had one of these fuckers for a while but it scared the shit out of me. (tsss)

Anyone else deal with this stuff?
I have them too, luckily they are internal. They flair up about once a month


Fan of the Era
Oh I've definitely had a lil' blood before from using bad toilet paper or from a particularly nutty loaf, but never as much as was on there this morning. Crazy that the next time I went I was clean as a whistle.
I had some swelling at my O ring and some blood on my TP two months ago from some spicy Korean ramen that I didn't water down enough. I think a spice or pepper flake got wedged in a cutter crease and festered for a couple days. Normal 3 days later. Lesson learned. That's all I got.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
Oh I've definitely had a lil' blood before from using bad toilet paper or from a particularly nutty loaf, but never as much as was on there this morning. Crazy that the next time I went I was clean as a whistle.
probably nothing really the body heal itself u know what i mean

i know this kind of shit will send a woman into a panic tho


Still Serchin' 4 Da Truf
Interestingly enough I just got my first 1 last week. In my late 30s so it felt a little early for this to kick off but none the less I was bleeding like a stucked pig for a few days and it still hurts to sit even after using that Prep H . When people used to say it hurts to shit I never understood the problem and probably laughed. Karma's a bitch.