WWAW having a disease as a youngster and only realizing it years later

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
Just realized I had ringworm on my dick on maybe 4 separate occasions while a teen
I have psoriasis, I figured it was just some kinda that since I knew it wasn't an STD (GUESS WHY)

To describe it for those who may have had it:
Like pink-eye on your cock. Circumcised so would build a crust around my turtleneck. Peel that shit off and it becomes super lubricated with who the fuck knows what, and becomes itchy as all fuck. Best itch ever, not sexual, just the need and satisfaction is incomparable.
I remember I'd fucking make a toilet paper tampon around it to try to soak up the moist so I wouldn't need to itch it.

I still don't wash my hands



Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
Could have been impetigo as well. That also leaves a nice crust
I stand corrected, it was this


i remember thinking it was odd but never felt like bringing it up to my dermatologist or mom (during our penis inspections)
turns out it was the right decision


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
I think I'm mentally ill (stlaker) and have been off my meds my whole life. It's a long stupid story, but I definitely have ADHD and I knew that since middle school, and lately I think I'm treating bipolar disease with marijuana. I get too manic, get high and chill out. I get too sad, get high and cheer up a bit.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Everyone calls me a faggot because of that one time, but also because I take Lexapro. Dude, it's been great for me. I don't blow up at the drop of a hat. I'm pretty happy, for the most part, throughout the day. Seldom broooooding about suicide. I hardly think about the premature deaths of my children for the two hours i lay in bed at night trying to fall asleep. Or have nightmares of seeing them burn alive once I do.