WWAW Going to get soft serve inside of you?


looking for a vehicle
I think it's PFG


We had a buddy in college got super drunk freshman year and went soft on a girl he was trying to fuck in his dorm room. (Editor's note: Who didn't??) No one would have known anything or made a a big deal about it except he threw an absolute crying shit fit about it while blackout drunk

His nickname for the next four years: "Soft Serve"

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Gelato is denser because it doesn’t have as much air.
You can get it outside of Italy, but it was very good there.
Every Italian cafe or restaurant has lemon gelato. When I was a kid and it was Summer, I'd have one at least once a week.

Goddamn... this Summer I'm gonna do gelati in a Schweppes + vodka.
Every Italian cafe or restaurant has lemon gelato. When I was a kid and it was Summer, I'd have one at least once a week.

Goddamn... this Summer I'm gonna do gelati in a Schweppes + vodka.
There’s a gelateria near me that does a ton of different flavors, including a few I’m not sure I want. I just found the place, so I’ve only had the pistachio, dark chocolate, or coffee flavors so far, and I Tomlinsoned those up greedily.